When I left lab last Friday my plants were alive and well but not thriving. I went in to lab yesterday to find all my lettuce dead and basil at a stunted growth. So..I was contemplating on what could contribute to these causes and came to two conclusion. The first being my plants are possibly drowning and second that they are not getting enough light. I planned ahead for complications at the start of my project and made extra templates (styrofoam). To take care of both issues I added the extra float to each tank which took care of the drowning hypothesis and it raised the plants a little higher closer to the lights. I will check on Friday to see if any changes have occurred since then. I also set one of my systems outside in the green house to compare plant growth between artificial light and sunlight. Here are some pics:
Glad I planned ahead. FYI hot plate+knife=cutting through like butter. |
Before adding the 2nd float, the pots were nearly all they way in the water, now they are about 1/4 of they way in. |
This is from my sweet potato plant. The flower is gorgeous and thought I'd snap a pic and share. I had no idea they flowered! |