
Who am I?

Hello Fellow Scholars and Mentors! I am excited to start my 3rd Semester in the S-STEM program at PC. Last semester I studied natural pesticides and their effectiveness against a cricket infestation and had a lot of fun experimenting with different organic compounds. This semester my project will be focused on creating an aquaponic system that utilizes 'wicking' techniques for watering. I will be studying different media and materials used to build a system and determine which ones work best and sustain the best suitable growing atmosphere for plants/veggies. Here is what one looks like-



Hello Fellow Scholars and Mentors, I'm Jenni and this is my first semester in the S-STEM program at PC. Words cannot express how honored and excited I am to be granted this opportunity to be apart of something more than just a scholarship.

I am currently in pursuit of a Bachelor Degree in Enviornmental Engineering and plan to complete prerequisites at PC within 2 years and transfer to ASU. I gravitated toward this discipline in engineering  because of my fondness for the outdoors. Everyday when I wake up the first thing I do (after brewing a cup of coffee) is head outside to prepare for the day ahead. I couldn't imagine waking up to a backyard full of waste, brown foggy air, and no birds to sing to me. Now Imagine the population that does on a daily basis.
We are all living organisms and create waste by means of living. My goal is not to eliminate waste; but to lessen the waste I contribute to the land we share. This idea has been at the core of my being since I can remeber but havn't really practiced it until my early adulthood. In doing so, I ride my bike to and from school, I put biodegradeable foods/materials back into the earth, and I recycle as much I possibly can. I know that I am just one person and sometimes question my efforts but then I realize that I'd be a fool to think no one out there shares the same passions I do. This is what keeps me focused and dedicated to the path I am meant to follow.
In my spare time (haha) I work on my 1965 VW Bug and 1979 VW Bus, but spend as much time with my family as I can. We have 3 weiner dogs and take them everwhere they are welcome. We hike and camp, but often love relaxing at home.

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