Happy Thursday Everyone!
I went in the lab this week with high hopes for my bacteria friends. I took out my streak plate from incubator and this is what I found -
My first thought was AHHHHH contamination! So I quickly remade a streak plate with my unknown #27 and proceeded to perform a gram stain with my initial bacteria culture results. After the gram staining I was able to identify whether my bacteria was + or - and its morphology. So far unknown #27 is gram + and bacilli. Take a look -
This is my 2nd trial streak plate- I made sure that the results were conclusive, meaning that after gram staining this bacteria culture I should get the same results. I did.
Since my results produced a gram + bacilli, the next step was to perform an endospore test. In this test you use malachite green to penetrate bacteria cells. After staining you look under a microscope to see if there was a discoloration of cell walls. If its greenish in color you have spores. Unknown #27 did produce spores. The next step is to perform a glucose test... I will post my results soon.