
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Phoenix College Took It All!

Happy Thursday Everyone~

Congrats to those who got to participate in poster presentations at Estrella Mt. College this morning. I was apprehensive at first to be surrounded by peers who all had solid research but it turned out to be a great experience and a lot of fun. When the poster presentation seminar started people from the college just walked around and looked at posters and didn't really ask any questions. That was boring! So I started to ask them questions to engage them in some kind of conversation. It worked! After breaking the ice and coming out of my shell it became easier and easier to talk about my project with confidence. I even brought props- the squirt bottle I used to spray pesticide in, diatomaceous earth (in my home application herb bottle), and the most effective pesticide based on my results NEEM OIL. The crowd loved it, they were engaged, asking all kinds of questions, and the fact that they were able to smell who pungent neem oil really is made all the difference! I also had my ipad handy to show off my garden with the pesticides applied to it - similar to the picture I posted a week or two ago. Overall the experience was great and could not have done it alone! I want to thank all my friends in STEM and give thanks to Matt and Josh! Good job everyone and have a great summer.
